PE1161 : Personal Fitness Trainer II

Credits 1 Lab Hours 2 Lecture Hours 0 Clinical Hours 0
Tiered Course Indicator
This course is a continuation of the Personal Fitness Trainer I course and is presented in the classroom, online, and with practical applications. The online portion of the course requires the student to have the following software on their personal computers or access to Microsoft Word; Microsoft Excel; and Microsoft Powerpoint. Each student will need access to the Internet. The course is designed to acquaint the student with the fundamentals of human movement science, assessments, training concepts, and program design. Students will meet in the classroom and online for lecture, notes, and quizzes and will meet in the wellness center for the practical application of the course. The practical application of the courese will require students to work with their instructor and with their client and apply the personal training concepts that they have learned in class. The student must demonstrate the ability to apply the personal training concepts before they can pass the course. Prerequisite: Personal Fitness Trainer I.