Mass Communication


Course Descriptions

MO1003: Introduction to Social Media

Credits 3
Have a Facebook account? What about Twitter? Learning how to interact on various social media platforms is crucial in order to survive and thrive in this age of digital communication. In this course, students will learn the ins and outs of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Snapchat and more. Students will also discover how to use these personally and professionally. Learn to read analytics, find a target audience and tell stories 140 characters at a time. Students will talk about the social, economic and business benefits of social media.

MO1203: Media Writing I

Credits 3
Development of media writing styles and practice in the objective handling of news events. The course will emphasize current media trends, Associated Press news style, organizing and developing the news story, gathering information, various writing and assignment styles, and basic legal and ethical responsibilities.

MO1213: Media Writing II

Credits 3

Development of journalistic style and practice in the objective handling of news events. This course will emphasize the application of skills in current media trends, Associated Press news style, organizing and developing the news story, gathering information, writing to an assignment style, practicing media ethics and basic media law.

MO1313: Media Practicum I

Credits 3
Media Practicum is a time for students to learn and practice skills for producing news in today’s society: news writing, interviewing, editing, news budgeting, photography, advertising, ad design, social media, marketing, video, graphics, posting to web, interactive storytelling and pagination layout. Students will produce content and distribution for the college newspaper, the Crusader, and/or the website, Crusader News.

MO1323: Media Practicum II

Credits 3
Media Practicum is a time for students to learn and practice skills for producing news in today’s society: news writing, interviewing, editing, news budgeting, photography, advertising, ad design, social media, marketing, video, graphics, posting to web, interactive storytelling and pagination layout. Students will produce content and distribution for the college newspaper, the Crusader, and/or the website, Crusader News.

MO1333: Media Practicum III

Credits 3

Media Practicum is a time for students to learn and practice skills for producing news in today’s society: news writing, interviewing, editing, news budgeting, photography, advertising, ad design, social media, marketing, video, graphics, posting to web, interactive storytelling and pagination layout. Students will produce content and distribution for the college newspaper, the Crusader, and/or the website, Crusader News.

MO1343: Media Practicum IV

Credits 3

today’s society: news writing, interviewing, editing, news budgeting, photography, advertising, ad design, social media, marketing, video, graphics, posting to web, interactive storytelling and pagination layout. Students will produce content and distribution for the college newspaper, the Crusader, and/or the website, Crusader News.

MO1603: Intro to Mass Communications

Credits 3
Introduction to Mass Communications will acquaint students with various media for communicating public information. The theory of mass communications, culture of media, Internet and gaming, sound, radio, TV/Cable, movies, newspapers, magazines, photojournalism, books/publishing, advertising, and public relations are emphasized.

MO1903: Direct Ind Studies Mass Comm

Credits 3
This course will give students the opportunity to pursue special interests in journalism through guided independent study in a chosen area of journalism. It is designed to increase each student's knowledge of the journalistic field.