Tuition and Fees

Rates for 2023-2024 Academic Year

**(per credit hour)** Tuition Fees
Seward County Resident $72 $45
In-State (non-Seward resident) Tuition $76 $45
Border State* Tuition $83 $60
Out-of-state Tuition $98 $60
International Tuition $98 $60
Online-Saints Anywhere $109 $45
EduKan Course Tuition/Fees $150 $0

Border States include:

* Colorado, New Mexico, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas


Tuition rates are approved by the Seward County Community College Board of Trustees each academic year.


Student fees are approved by the Seward County Community College School Board of Trustees each academic year. These fees are charged per credit hour regardless of the student’s residency status. The Board of Trustees also determines the specific use of these fees, the designated uses of these funds are:

  • Revenue Bond Retirement
  • Reserve for Future Expansion
  • Student Organizations
  • Technology
  • Scholarships

Special Course Fees

In addition to Student Fees, Special Course Fees are established for certain courses, including laboratory classes, classes requiring travel, classes requiring additional supplies, etc. Current lists of these Special Course Fees are published each semester in the class schedule.

Student Housing Costs

Living in the on-campus housing units is a great way to meet friends, participate in campus activities and personally grow from the experiences which come along with campus living.

The College operates three on campus coed housing facilities to accommodate up to 250 full time students. Each facility is a little different in its floor plans, location and amenities offered. Students who complete their contract and pay their deposit will be given preference to which facility they are assigned to. (Specific information and pricing is listed on the housing contract located on the website or SCCC Admissions Office). Depending on the facility requested facility may include Internet access, a student lounge, a central computer lab, cable TV and/or laundry facilities. A meal plan is an internal part of every housing contract.

Book Estimates

Seward County Community College operates a college bookstore which is in the Student Union. Costs of books and supplies vary with a student’s program of study and semester course load.