Seward County Community College assures students the right of due process. When violations of the Student Code of Conduct are alleged, students have the right to have a meeting with the VP of Student Affairs to appeal their sanction. If the sanction warrants a suspension or an eviction from the residence halls, the student has the right to appeal to the College Judicial Board. The College Judicial Board consists of 3-5 members of the college community to include students, faculty and administration. The Director of Student Life and Leadership will chair the Judicial Board. The College Judicial Board will determine if sanctions are warranted. When sanctions involve suspension of more than 3 days or expulsion from the college, the student may make an appeal to the President of the college. The appeal must be presented in writing within five (5) working days after the decision. The appeal must be based on an excessively severe sanction, the introduction of new evidence, or substantial procedural irregularities in the original hearing. The President will determine if the sanction was appropriate for the violation. The written appeal request must state:
- Full name
- Phone Number
- E-mail address
- College ID
- Name of person that imposed sanction
- Incident that occurred
- The grounds of which the complainant(s) believes that the violation on the college rules has occurred