The following sanctions may be imposed for violations:
- Admonition/Reprimand - a written warning that a violation of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred and that further instance of misconduct may result in additional disciplinary action.
- Administrative Withdrawal from Courses- withdrawal from course(s) initiated by a college administrator because of inappropriate behavior by the student.
- Restrictions/Requirements - specified loss of privileges and/or specific conditions to be performed or completed by the student.
- Restitution - full and complete reimbursement for damage, destruction, or misappropriation of property of Seward County Community College or other students or persons. The restitution may involve a form of service, financial payment, or other compensation. Failure to decide for restitution within the specified time may result in additional sanctions.
- Community Service Work - work projects to improve the college or community.
- Hold on Student Account - the college reserves the right to “hold” student records based on failure to follow regulations, behavior misconduct or failure to pay financial obligations to the college. A “hold” on student records may prevent further enrollment in courses, receiving grades, transcripts, and/or diplomas, or participating in campus activities.
- Assessment of a Monetary Fine - student can be assessed a fine for various violations including, but not limited to, violation of traffic regulations, failure to follow student housing regulations, or library fines, etc.
- Cancellation of Scholarships- institutional scholarships and grants are awarded based on the assumption that students are in good standing. Seward County Community College reserves the right to cancel institutional financial aid for violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
- Suspension - termination of a student’s enrollment from the college for a specified period of time; suspension from student housing can be imposed for non-compliance of housing regulations and/or failure to observe Student Code of Conduct. Conditions of readmission may be specified at the time of suspension.
- Expulsion - a permanent severance of a student’s enrollment and/or severance from college housing. A record of such action is made on the student’s permanent record in the Registrar’s Office. A student who is expelled from college and/or student housing is typically not allowed to re-enter either.
Sanctions may be imposed in combinations; sanctions outlined above are not all inclusive of possible disciplinary actions by Seward County Community College. Involvement and reporting to appropriate law enforcement agencies may occur. Parental involvement may be appropriate in certain circumstances.