A three-credit hour lecture course designed to immerse the student in the understanding and practical application of leadership principles. Introduction to Leadership is designed to provide students with an understanding of the history of leadership, theoretical approaches, and concepts. As students master the fundamentals of leadership, they will be encouraged to apply them in different environments. Leadership topics including goal setting, vision, personal leadership philosophy, decision-making, team building, delegating, initiating change, managing conflict, ethics, and leadership through service will be discussed and experienced. Instruction will center around a written journal, active participation, written assignments, tests, and a service-learning project.
For each unit of credit, a minimum of three hours per week with one of the hours for class and two hours for studying/preparation outside of class is expected.
The mission of the Humanities and Social Sciences is to foster an appreciation of the role that the humanities and social sciences has played in the evolution of civilized society and to explore the ways that an understanding of theory and practice in philosophy, the social and behavioral sciences, the fine arts, and written and oral expression will enable students to participate thoughtfully in a global society.
Outcome #1: Read with comprehension, be critical of what they read, and apply knowledge gained from their reading to broader issues of the day.
Outcome #2: Communicate ideas clearly and proficiently in writing, appropriately adjusting content and arrangement for varying audiences, purposes, and situations.
Outcome #3: Communicate their ideas clearly and proficiently in speaking, appropriately adjusting content and arrangement for varying audiences, purposes, and situations
Outcome #5: Demonstrate the ability to think critically by gathering facts, generating insights, analyzing data, and evaluating information.
Outcome #7: Understand each other, moving beyond simple acceptance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity by working as a team to learn, engaging with community, exhibiting cultural awareness, and creating equity
Expected learning outcomes of this course are in alignment with the learning objectives established by the Fall 2018 Kansas Core Outcomes Project.
- Analyze personal strengths, styles and preferences that contribute to leadership.
- Explore, apply, and reflect on basic concepts of leadership.
- Examine the relationship of ethics, diversity, and inclusion in leadership.
- Communicate knowledge about and application of leadership to others.
- Observe and critique leadership in a community setting.
- Personal Leadership Philosophy
- Articulating a Vision
- Leading With Goals
- Applying Ethics to Leadership
- Making Decisions
- Managing Conflict
- Building a Team
- Empowering Groups
- Initiating Change
- Leading by Serving
- Lecture
- Video/Computer presentations with interpretive discussion
- Workshop sessions
- Overview of textbook and other assigned readings
- Written assignments
- Quizzes
- Phi Theta Kappa leadership materials
- Phi Theta Kappa textbook
- Classic readings
- Videos/computer presentations
Outcome 1. 1. Students will read and understand presented materials so that the information can be applied to daily use.
Outcome 2. 1. Students will effectively utilize a written journal.
Outcome 3. 1. Students will actively participate in all discussions, projects, and assignments.
Outcome 5.
Outcome 7. 1. Develop an awareness of the roles and responsibilities of citizens in the leadership process and the belief that life-long learning is necessary to fulfill personal, political, civic, and
community responsibilities.
with a grade of C (70%) or better
- Students will successfully complete a leadership project.
- Mastery of these outcomes will be substantiated by successful completion of the course
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Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Seward County Community College will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If you need support or assistance because of a disability, you may be eligible for academic accommodations. Students should identify themselves to the Mental Health Counselor at 620-417-1106 or go to the Student Success Center in the Hobble Academic building, room A149.