Introduction to Philosophy will acquaint students with some of the great Western philosophers and their thoughts on reality, knowledge, religion, identity, freedom, ethics, the state, and beauty. The course will also provide students an opportunity to encounter Eastern philosophy in matters of religion and self-identity.
For each unit of credit, a minimum of three hours per week with one of the hours for class and two hours for studying/preparation outside of class is expected.
The mission of the Humanities and Social Sciences is to foster an appreciation of the role that the humanities and social sciences has played in the evolution of civilized society and to explore the ways that an understanding of theory and practice in philosophy, the social and behavioral sciences, the fine arts, and written and oral expression will enable students to participate thoughtfully in a global society.
Outcome #1: Read with comprehension, be critical of what they read, and apply knowledge gained from their reading to broader issues of the day.
Outcome #2: Communicate ideas clearly and proficiently in writing, appropriately adjusting content and arrangement for varying audiences, purposes, and situations.
Outcome #5: Demonstrate the ability to think critically by gathering facts, generating insights, analyzing data, and evaluating information.
Outcome #7: Understand each other, moving beyond simple acceptance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity by working as a team to learn, engaging with community, exhibiting cultural awareness, and creating equity
Outcomes are in accordance with the 2017 Kansas Core Outcomes Project.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Students will show familiarity with the development of various philosophical traditions during some of their major periods.
Students will recognize key characteristics of philosophical inquiry such as its emphasis on careful reasoning and analysis and how it differs from other kinds of inquiry.
Students will show familiarity with at least one of the major divisions of Philosophy as determined by the individual instructor.
Examples might include Epistemology, Metaphysics and Ethics.
Students will be able to explain key philosophical terms within historical periods (examples might include the Ancient Greeks, Romans, or Modern Philosophy), schools of thought (examples might include rationalism, empiricism, and existentialism), or problems in philosophy (examples might include the existence of God, the free will/determinism question, etc.).
Students will demonstrate understanding of major philosophical theories within historical periods, schools of thought, or problems within philosophy as chosen by the instructor.
Students will distinguish between valid and fallacious arguments and recognize examples of each.
Students will provide cogent reasons in support of contentious philosophical claims.
Students will show familiarity with some classic philosophical arguments within historical periods (examples might include Plato and Aristotle on the Theory of Forms), within schools of thought (examples might include Descartes and Hume on innate ideas), or within problems in philosophy (examples might include those for and against the reality of free will, the existence of God, the possibility of certainty, etc.).
Students will be familiar with a variety of philosophical positions on contentious issues such as the nature of the mind, the sources of knowledge, and the nature of the good.
Students will be able to evaluate competing theories and arguments, providing their own positions supported by valid arguments.
- Recognize the significance of philosophy in a broader cultural and historical context.
- Demonstrate familiarity with and understanding of basic philosophical theories, terminology and concepts.
- Identify and develop, in writing, philosophical analyses and arguments based on philosophical reasoning.
- Evaluate, in writing, philosophical analyses, arguments and texts and appreciate alternative points of view.
- By the end of the semester, students will demonstrate knowledge of the various themes of philosophy, including the reality, knowledge, truth, necessity, religion, identity, freedom, ethics, justice, and aesthetics, and the sages who have written on these issues.
- By the end of the semester, students will have had an opportunity to sharpen their written expression through in class and outside writing assignments.
- Mastery of these outcomes will be demonstrated by successful completion of these assignments with a grade of C (70%) or better.
- Preliminary Concerns
- Four Great Concerns of Philosophy
- Issues of Humanity
- Matters of Right and Wrong, and Beauty
- Lecture
- Class Discussion
- Audio Visual Aids
- Serendipity
- Textbook
- Various Handouts
- Nature
Outcome 1.
Outcome 2.
Outcome 5.
Outcome 7.
- Objective Tests
- Class Participation
- Written Assignments
- Written Assignments
- Class Participation
- Objective Tests
- Written Assignments
- Class Participation
- Objective Tests
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