Master Syllabus MU1203, Music Appreciation

Credits 3 Lab Hours 0 Lecture Hours 3 Clinical Hours 0
This course is an overview of music through the ages, its place in society, its language, and its masterworks. An elective designed to provide the student with additional breadth and enjoyment through listening and discussion of selected works. EduKan course number: MU176

For each unit of credit, a minimum of three hours per week with one of the hours for class and two hours for studying/preparation outside of class is expected.

Program and/or Department Mission Statement

The mission of the Humanities and Social Sciences is to foster an appreciation of the role that the humanities and social sciences has played in the evolution of civilized society and to explore the ways that an understanding of theory and practice in philosophy, the social and behavioral sciences, the fine arts, and written and oral expression will enable students to participate thoughtfully in a global society.

SCCC Outcomes

Outcome #2: Communicate ideas clearly and proficiently in writing, appropriately adjusting content and arrangement for varying audiences, purposes, and situations.

Outcome #7: Understand each other, moving beyond simple acceptance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity by working as a team to learn, engaging with community, exhibiting cultural awareness, and creating equity

Course Outcomes

Outcomes are in accordance with Fall 2017 Kansas Core Outcomes Project.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

  1. Identify and describe the elements of melody, harmony, pitch, rhythm, timbre, form, and dynamics.
  2. Identify the expressive qualities of the elements of music through listening experiences.
  3. Describe the general characteristics of musical genres and the relationship to their cultural/historical settings.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of musical artists, composers, and compositions related to the context of this course.
  5. Critically evaluate the role of music in their lives.
Course Outline

- Comparison of different styles of music from all over the world.

Rock, Pop, Broadway music - The different compositional styles

  1. Music of other cultures - Europe, African, China, Jamaica, etc.
  2. Traditional folk and religious music
  3. Jazz music - Traits which make jazz unique and Famous Jazz musicians
  4. World music
  5. Modern Music
  6. Music instruments
  7. Electronic music
  8. Early 20th Century Music
  9. Music of the Romantic Era (19th Century)
  10. Music of the Classical Era (1750 - 1820)
  11. Music of the Baroque Era (1600 - 1750)
  12. Music prior to 1600 (Pre-Baroque/medieval)
Instructional Methods
  1. Lecture
  2. Class performances - Guests and Class Participants
  3. Class discussion
  4. Extensive listening to recorded music
  5. Written reports
  6. Concert attendance
Instructional Resources and Materials
  1. Textbook
  2. Supplementary reading
  3. Recordings
  4. Video tapes
  5. Films
Methods of Assessment

Outcome 2.

They must complete one written essay; concert critique; and oral report.

Outcome 7.

They will be asked to identify different aspects and characteristics of the music they are subjected to and compare those findings with others.

  1. Students are required to engage in classroom discussion.
  2. Students will be required to listen to varying styles of music from very diverse countries and cultures.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Seward County Community College will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If you need support or assistance because of a disability, you may be eligible for academic accommodations. Students should identify themselves to the Mental Health Counselor at 620-417-1106 or go to the Student Success Center in the Hobble Academic building, room A149.

Core Outcomes Project
The learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this course outline or syllabus meet, or exceed the learning outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Groups project for this course as approved by the Kansas Board of Regents KRSN: MUS1010