For each unit of credit, a minimum of three hours per week with one of the hours for class and two hours for studying/preparation outside of class is expected.
The mission of the Humanities and Social Sciences is to foster an appreciation of the role that the humanities and social sciences has played in the evolution of civilized society and to explore the ways that an understanding of theory and practice in philosophy, the social and behavioral sciences, the fine arts, and written and oral expression will enable students to participate thoughtfully in a global society.
Outcome #5: Demonstrate the ability to think critically by gathering facts, generating insights, analyzing data, and evaluating information.
Outcome #7: Understand each other, moving beyond simple acceptance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity by working as a team to learn, engaging with community, exhibiting cultural awareness, and creating equity
Outcome #8: Show the ability to contribute to political, civic, and community responsibilities as an informed member of society
Outcome #9: Exhibit workplace skills to include respect for others, teamwork competence, attendance/punctuality, decision making, conflict resolution, truthfulness/honest, positive attitude, judgment, responsibility.
Additionally, the student will have the ability to apply this cultural and global awareness to human interaction and expression.
- Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to understand techniques, strategies and policies to achieve academic success.
- Upon completion of this course the student will encompass awareness of cultural systems, events, and themselves.
- Upon the completion of this course the student will be able to apply career skills (e.g. resume writing, networking) to gain opportunities (e.g. internships, jobs) during and following their SCCC experience.
- Identify individual strengths and learning styles
- Set SMART goals, share them with your advisor and utilize research to determine a plan for perseverance through adversity.
- Understand and demonstrate respect for the beliefs and values of other cultures.
- Campus Involvement/Community Engagement
- Identify and apply strategies to effectively manage time and priorities
- Career Planning
- Lecture or Readings
- Discussion posts or small group discussion
- Student presentations
- Printed material
- Reflective writing assignments
- Active learning techniques
- Hands-on Activities
- Text
- Web-based assessment tools
- Class handouts
- Advising assignments
- SCCC Student Information System
Outcome 5.
The student will write a three page paper over his/her SMART goals and include information on the resources at SCCC and in his/her community that could assist the student in reaching those goals.
Outcome 7.
Outcome 8.
Outcome 9.
- The student will complete a self-evaluation and using this information the student will create SMART goals. The student will evaluate what resources are needed (or that could be of some use) in order to be successful in college.
- The student will watch three YouTube videos specifically pertaining to diversity and the student will write a three page reflection paper to the videos that he/she watched.
- The student will be expected to participate in an out of class political, civic, or community event and write a two page reflection over the experience.
- Instructor professionalism evaluations (e.g., timeliness of submission for assignments in this class and punctuality), the mock interview rubric, and the resume component will be used to evaluate workplace skills.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Seward County Community College will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If you need support or assistance because of a disability, you may be eligible for academic accommodations. Students should identify themselves to the Mental Health Counselor at 620-417-1106 or go to the Student Success Center in the Hobble Academic building, room A149.