For each unit of credit, a minimum of three hours per week with one of the hours for class and two hours for studying/preparation outside of class is expected.
Prepare students to obtain a job in mid-management or marketing position, possessing the skills to make them successful employees and employers.
Outcome #1: Read with comprehension, be critical of what they read, and apply knowledge gained from their reading to broader issues of the day.
Outcome #2: Communicate ideas clearly and proficiently in writing, appropriately adjusting content and arrangement for varying audiences, purposes, and situations.
Outcome #5: Demonstrate the ability to think critically by gathering facts, generating insights, analyzing data, and evaluating information.
Outcome #6: Exhibit skills in information and technological literacy.
Outcome #9: Exhibit workplace skills to include respect for others, teamwork competence, attendance/punctuality, decision making, conflict resolution, truthfulness/honest, positive attitude, judgment, responsibility.
Examine the basic principles of management and apply them to business situations.
Evaluate the impact of global management and relate it to business today
Evaluate planning and decision making
Evaluate the concepts of organization design
Apply the principles of human resource management to business
Evaluate the controlling process
- General Management History, Theories, and Environment
- Decision Making and Planning
- The Organization Process
- The Leading Process
- The Controlling Process
- Special Challenges of Management
Case Problems
Computer Simulations
Group Discussion
Projects in assigned topic areas
Teacher prepared handouts
Computer Simulations, Internet Exploration
Films and videos
Business Periodicals
Student participation
Assigned projects
Assessment of SCCC Outcomes.
Outcome 1. Assessed through assigned reading material and electronic research.
Outcome 2. Assessed through classroom presentations, student participation, and various assigned projects.
Outcome 3. Assessed through classroom presentations, student participation, and various assigned projects.
Outcome 5. Assessed through projects requiring evaluation and application of course material.
Outcome 6. Assessed through projects using the Internet, PowerPoint presentations and electronically prepared brochures.
Outcome 7. Assessed through student participation in various activities.
Outcome 9. Assessed through classroom projects and simulations that offer cases for decision making and group participation.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Seward County Community College will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If you need support or assistance because of a disability, you may be eligible for academic accommodations. Students should identify themselves to the Mental Health Counselor at 620-417-1106 or go to the Student Success Center in the Hobble Academic building, room A149.