Master Syllabus PS1323, Environmental Science

Credits 3 Lab Hours 0 Lecture Hours 3 Clinical Hours 0
Course Description

This course encompasses the study of current environmental conditions, issues, and problems. Students will study the different types of ecosystems, the use and availability of natural resources, population dynamics, and environmental risks. Students will also explore possible solutions to such environmental issues such as global warming, acid rain, extinction of species, and energy waste by examining current specific and political thought. 

For each unit of credit, a minimum of three hours per week with one of the hours for class and two hours for studying/preparation outside of class is expected.

Program and/or Department Mission Statement

The Science Program at Seward County Community College provides opportunities to improve and enhance each student’s understanding and comprehension of the natural world through a variety of courses and experience to develop a scientifically literate citizen.

Academic Year
SCCC Outcomes

Outcome #1: Read with comprehension, be critical of what they read, and apply knowledge gained from their reading to broader issues of the day.

Outcome #2: Communicate ideas clearly and proficiently in writing, appropriately adjusting content and arrangement for varying audiences, purposes, and situations.

Outcome #5: Demonstrate the ability to think critically by gathering facts, generating insights, analyzing data, and evaluating information.

Course Outcomes

PH130-01 Environmental Interrelationships: Describe the nature of environmental science and list the major regional environmental concerns.

PH130-02 Environmental Ethics: Describe environmental ethics, attitudes, and justice. Describe societal environmental ethics, corporate environmental ethics, individual environmental ethics, and global environmental ethics.

PH130-03 Environmental Risk: Describe environmental risk and economics. Describe using economic tools to address environmental issues and the concepts of sustainable development.

PH130-04 Matter, Energy, and Environment: Describe the nature and limitations of science. Describe the structure of matter. Describe environmental implications of energy flow.

PH130-05 Environments and Organisms: Describe ecological concepts, natural selection and evolution, organism interactions, and community and ecosystem interactions.

PH130-06 Ecosystems and Communities: Describe succession. Describe why biomes are determined by climate. Describe the roll and function of major aquatic ecosystems.

PH130-07 Characteristics and Issues of Populations: Describe general population characteristics, including population growth curve, factors that limit population size, categories of limiting factors, carrying capacity, reproductive strategies and population fluctuations. Describe general human population characteristics and implications, factors that influence human population growth, population growth rates and standard of living, hunger, food production, and environmental degradation.

PH130-08 Patterns of Energy Consumption: Describe the history of energy consumption, how energy is used, the economics and politics of energy use, and energy consumption trends.

PH130-09 Energy Sources: Describe energy sources, resources and reserves, fossil-fuel formation, issues related to the use of fossil fuels, renewable sources of energy, and energy conservation.

PH130-10 Nuclear Energy: Describe the history and nature of nuclear energy, nuclear fission reactors, the nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear concerns, the future of nuclear power, and nuclear alternatives.

PH130-11 Biodiversity Issues: Describe the value and threats to biodiversity in terms of loss and extinction. List the actions that are being done to preserve biodiversity.

PH130-12 Land Use Planning: Describe the need for land use planning, the historical forces that shaped land use, the migration from the central city to the suburbs, factors that contribute to sprawl, problems associated with unplanned urban growth, land-use planning principles, mechanisms for implementing land-use plans, special urban planning issues, and federal government land use issues.

PH130-13 Soil and Its Uses: Describe the geologic processes of soil formation. Describe soil properties, soil conservation practices, conventional versus conservation tillage, and concepts to protect soil on nonfarm land.

PH130-14 Agricultural Methods and Pest Management: Describe the history of the development of agriculture, the impact of fertilizer and chemical use, the problems with pesticide use, and alternatives to conventional agriculture.

PH130-15 Water Management: Describe the hydrologic cycle, human influences on the hydrologic cycle, kinds of water use, kinds and sources of water pollution, and water-use planning issues.

PH130-16 Air Quality Issues: Describe pollution of the atmosphere, categories of air pollutants, control of air pollution, acid deposition, ozone depletion, global warming and climate change, and indoor air pollution.

PH130-17 Solid Waste Management and Disposal: Describe the different kinds of solid waste, municipal solid waste, and methods of waste disposal.

PH130-18 Hazardous Substances and Wastes: Describe and define hazardous and toxic materials in our environment, the environmental problems caused by hazardous wastes, and health risks associated with hazardous wastes. Describe hazardous waste dumps and management choices related to these dumps. Describe international trade in hazardous wastes and hazardous waste management program evolution.

PH130-19 Environmental Policy and Decision Making: Describe the development of environmental policy in the U.S. and current environmental policy and regulation. Describe international environmental policies.

Course Outline

Week 1 Environmental Science CH 1. Environmental Interrelationships

Silent Spring CH 1. A Fable for Tomorrow

Silent Spring CH 2. The Obligation to Endure

Silent Spring CH 3. Elixirs of Death

Threaded Discussion 1

Week 2 Environmental Science CH 2. Environmental Ethics

Environmental Science CH 3. Environmental Risk

Economics, Assessment, and Management

Silent Spring CH 4. Surface Waters and Underground Seas

Threaded Discussion 2

Week 3 Environmental Science CH 4. Interrelated Scientific Principles

Matter, Energy, and Environment

Silent Spring CH 5. Realms of the Soil

Threaded Discussion 3

Week 4 Environmental Science CH 5. Interactions

Environments and Organisms

Silent Spring CH 6. Earth'�s Green Mantle

Threaded Discussion 4

Week 5 Environmental Science Exam I

Environmental Science CH 6. Kinds of Ecosystems and Communities

Silent Spring CH 7. Needless Havoc

Threaded Discussion 5

Week 6 Environmental Science CH 7. Populations

Characteristics and Issues

Environmental Science CH 8. Energy and Civilization

Silent Spring CH 8. And no Birds Sing

Threaded Discussion 6

Week 7 Environmental Science CH 9. Energy Sources

Environmental Science CH 10: Nuclear Energy

Silent Spring CH 9. Rivers of Death

Threaded Discussion 7

Week 8 Environmental Science CH 11. Biodiversity Issues

Silent Spring CH 10: Indiscriminately from the Skies

Threaded Discussion 8

Week 9 Environmental Science Exam II

Environmental Science CH 12. Land-Use Planning

Silent Spring CH 11. Beyond the Dreams of the Borgias

Threaded Discussion 9

Week 10 Environmental Science CH 13. Soil and Its Uses

Environmental Science CH 14. Agricultural Methods and Pest Management

Silent Spring CH 12. The Human Price

Threaded Discussion 10

Week 11 Environmental Science CH 15. Water Management

Silent Spring CH 13. Through a Narrow Window

Threaded Discussion 11

Week 12 Environmental Science CH 16. Air Quality Issues

Silent Spring CH 14. One in Every Four

Threaded Discussion 12

Week 13 Environmental Science CH 17. Solid Waste Management and Disposal

Silent Spring CH 15. Nature Fights Back

Threaded Discussion 13

Week 14 Environmental Science Exam III

Environmental Science CH 18. Environmental Regulations

Hazardous Substances and Wastes

Silent Spring CH 16. The Rumblings of an Avalanche

Threaded Discussion 14

Week 15 Environmental Science CH 19. Environmental Policy and Decision Making

Silent Spring CH 17. The Other Road

Threaded Discussion 15

Week 16 Environmental Science Cumulative Final Exam

Silent Spring Paper Due

Instructional Methods
  1. Discussions
  2. Reports
  3. Exams
Instructional Resources and Materials
  1. The method of instruction will include but is not necessarily limited to directed and independent readings, and, threaded discussions.
  2. Textbook, internet, videotapes (library), educational software, student learning center, instructor.
Methods of Assessment

A. SCCC Outcome 1 will be assessed and measured by class participation in discussions, exams, and paper over the book used in the class.

B. SCCC Outcome 2 will be assessed and measured by the paper over the book used in the class.

C. SCCC Outcome 5 will be assessed and measured by the student score on course exams and posts in discussion threads.

SCCC Policy

Academic Calendar
Academic Integrity
Technical Help

Technical support is available by contacting the SCCC IT Department at

Canvas Help:

View Computer Minimum Requirements

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Seward County Community College will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If you need support or assistance because of a disability, you may be eligible for academic accommodations. Students should identify themselves to the Mental Health Counselor at 620-417-1106 or go to the Student Success Center in the Hobble Academic building, room A149.

Core Outcomes Project
The learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this course outline or syllabus meet, or exceed the learning outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Groups project for this course as approved by the Kansas Board of Regents KRSN: BIO1041