For each unit of credit, a minimum of three hours per week with one of the hours for class and two hours for studying/preparation outside of class is expected.
The Science Program at Seward County Community College provides opportunities to improve and enhance each student's understanding and comprehension of the natural world through a variety of courses and experience to develop a scientifically literate citizen.
Outcome #1: Read with comprehension, be critical of what they read, and apply knowledge gained from their reading to broader issues of the day.
Outcome #2: Communicate ideas clearly and proficiently in writing, appropriately adjusting content and arrangement for varying audiences, purposes, and situations.
Outcome #5: Demonstrate the ability to think critically by gathering facts, generating insights, analyzing data, and evaluating information.
Outcome #6: Exhibit skills in information and technological literacy.
Outcome #9: Exhibit workplace skills to include respect for others, teamwork competence, attendance/punctuality, decision making, conflict resolution, truthfulness/honest, positive attitude, judgment, responsibility.
Expected learning outcomes of this course are in alignment with the learning objectives established by the Statewide Core Competencies. In order to successfully fulfill the general course outcomes and meet the course goals, the student should be able to:
- Use the language and concepts of science appropriately and effectively in written and oral communication.
- Use the methodologies and models of science to select, define, solve and evaluate problems independently and collaboratively.
- Adequately design, conduct, communicate, and evaluate relatively basic but meaningful experiments.
- Make scientifically based decisions and solve problems drawing on concepts and experiences from relevant areas.
- Evaluate critically; evidence, interpretations, results and solutions related to the course content within a real life context.
- Explain scientifically related knowledge claims as products of a scientific inquiry process that, while diverse in scope, conforms to the principles of logical reasoning.
- Demonstrate research skills necessary to access needed data to support scientific inquiry.
- Ask meaningful questions about real world scientific issues including problems that lack satisfactory answers.
- Formulate questions
- Plan experiments
- Make systematic observations
- Organize and interpret data
- Draw conclusions
- Communicate
- Use scientific inquiry processes
- Acquire information
- Process information
- Test understanding
- Use interpersonal skills
- Argue logically
- Synthesize information. Relate two or more ideas/pieces of information.
- Identify a problem. Identify an issue and state the issue in a form that requires a decision or solution.
- Identify dimensions of the problem. Identify scientific, political, ethical, cultural, and technological dimensions of the issue.
- Gather information about dimensions of the problem
- Generate a list of alternative solutions. Develop a list of alternative solutions that address all dimensions of the issue.
- Evaluate each solution. Evaluate each proposed solution in light of its scientific, technological, political, ethical, and cultural impact.
- Select solution(s)
- Use decision-making processes. Demonstrate the ability to integrate the skills above by selecting an issue of personal, community, national, or global significance to them and using the decision-making processes above to seek effective solutions.
- Have an appreciation for life
- Value knowledge as having beneficial applications
- Respect science as a way of knowing
- Respect others. Appreciate the value of a diversity of perspectives in addressing problems and issues.
- Accept responsibility
- Have an open mind
- Be persistent Exhibit self-direction and motivation in completion of both group and independent tasks.
- Reflect. Value rethinking, revising, and evaluating of ones own understanding of scientific concepts and processes for accuracy and effectiveness.
- Value honesty. Value truthful reporting of methods and findings.
- Upon completion of this course the student should be able to demonstrate an understanding and application of the following core content areas:
- Use a bright field light microscope to view and interpret slides, including
- Properly prepare slides for microbiological examination, including
- Properly use aseptic techniques for the transfer and handling of microorganisms and instruments, including
- Use appropriate microbiological media and test systems, including
- Estimate the number of microbes in a sample using serial dilution techniques, including
- Use standard microbiology laboratory equipment correctly
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis, Mutation, Genetic Recombination, Recombinant DNA Technology
Structure, Production, Anamnestic Response
- Bacteria and Fungi
- Basic Groups of Microbes
- Cellular Organization:
- Classification of Microorganisms
- The Prokaryotic Cell:
- Sizes, Shapes, and Arrangements of Bacteria
- Composition and Functions of Bacterial Structures
- Bacterial Pathogenicity
- Normal Flora and Nosocomial Infection
- Control of Bacteria by Using Antibiotics and Disinfectants
- Selected Atypical Pathogenic Bacteria
- The Eukaryotic Cell
- The Fungi
- Introduction
- Yeasts
- Molds
- Fungal Virulence
- Chemotherapeutic Control of Fungi
- Protozoa and Viruses
- Protozoa
- Characteristics of Protozoa Including Algae
- Medically Important Protozoa
- Viruses
- General Characteristics of Viruses
- Sizes and Shapes of Viruses
- Viral Structure
- Animal Virus Life Cycles
- Bacteriophage Life Cycles
- Virus-Induced Alteration of Infected Animal Cells
- Bacteriophage-Induced Alteration of Bacteria
- Control of Viruses
- Viral Infections of Humans
- Genetics and Metabolism
- Microbial Genetics
- Genetics of Prokaryotic Bacteria:
- Biotechnology Applications
- Genetics of Eukaryotic Cells
- Genetics of Viruses, Gene Therapy
- Human Genome Project and Bioethics
- Bacterial Growth and Factors Influencing Growth
- Bacterial Metabolism
- Enzymes
- Energy Production in Bacteria
- Cyanobacteria and Chemosynthetics
- Microbial Ecology
- Industrial Microbiology
- The Immune Responses
- Introduction
- Antigens
- Major Cells and Key Cell-Surface Molecules Involved in the Immune Responses
- An Overview of the Steps Involved in the Immune Responses
- Nonspecific Body Defenses
- Anatomical Barriers and Mechanical Removal
- Bacterial Antagonism by Normal Flora
- Antigen-Nonspecific Body Defense Chemicals
- Phagocytosis and Cells Involved in Body Defenses
- Inflammation
- Nutritional Immunity
- Fever
- Humoral Immunity
- Antibodies (Immunoglobulins):
- The Complement Pathways
- Ways in Which Antibodies Help to Defend the Body
- Active and Passive Immunity: Naturally and Artificially Acquired
- Monoclonal Antibodies
- Cell-Mediated Immunity
- The Mechanism for Cell-Mediated Immunity
- How Cell-Mediated Immunity Protects the Body
- NK Cells and Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity
- Adoptive Immunotherapy
- Immunodeficiency
- Primary Immunodeficiencies
- Secondary Immunodeficiencies and AIDS
- Hypersensitivity
- Immediate Hypersensitivities
- Delayed Hypersensitivities
- Superantigens
Students apply their knowledge to a real-life situation.
- Laboratory Experiences: Activities in which students investigate a question in microbiology using materials in a laboratory setting.
- Data Analysis: Students examine data collected by themselves or other investigators.
- Student-directed Investigations: Investigations in which the students study something new to them which may involve cooperative group work or individual work.
- Personal and Societal Decision-Making: Students study a microbiologically related issue to develop an understanding of the scientific, personal, societal economic, environmental, and technological aspects of the problem.
- Cooperative Learning: Students work cooperatively in a team to accomplish a common goal.
- Listening: Students listen and critically evaluate explanations presented by their peers, the instructor, or guest speakers, or experts on videotape/interactive video.
- Reading: Students are encouraged to read about microbiological concepts from a variety of sources.
- Communication: Students select and organize information relevant to a topic and communicate information in their own words using various formats.
- Debates: Students choose or are assigned alternative perspectives on personal or societal issues related to a microbiological problem.
- Discussion: Instructor or students facilitate discussion of concepts or ideas which may involve a collaborative effort with consensus building.
- Field Experiences: Activities in which students investigate a question in microbiology using materials in a managed or natural ecosystem.
- Interactive Audiovisual: Programs that are stopped at appropriate points with questions for discussion interjected by instructor.
- Computer Technology: Students use the internet, simulations, digital imaging, word processing, data bases, spreadsheets and modeling programs appropriate to biological inquiry.
- Lecture: Used to provide alternative explanations, examples, clarification, and conceptual organization of a topic.
- Demonstrations: For observations that would be difficult for all students to complete during regular class time.
- Commercially prepared slides
- Student prepared slides
- Computer projected graphics
- Charts
- Models
- Microscopes
- Reference materials
- Living microorganisms
- Culturing apparatus for microbes
- Videos/DVDs
- Culture media
- Antibiotics, drugs, and chemicals
- Water bath
- Incubators and refrigerators
- Sterilizing apparatus
Methods of assessing the general course outcomes include:
SCCC Outcome 1 will be assessed and measured by multiple choice questions; essay questions that allow the student to illustrate knowledge, depth of understanding, and creativity; problem-based learning for assessment of thinking and decision-making skills, values, and attitudes.
This could include critical analysis and web-based projects for assessment of acquiring, processing, and evaluation of information.
SCCC Outcome 2 will be assessed and measured by essay questions that allow the student to illustrate knowledge, depth of understanding, and creativity; long-term investigations to assess inquiry and decision-making skills, experimental design, communication and understanding of the scientific process; problem-based learning for assessment of thinking and decision-making skills, values, and attitudes (this could include critical analysis and web-based projects for assessment of acquiring, processing,and evaluation of information); peer performance assessment for project evaluation and ability to work with others.
SCCC Outcome 5 will be assessed and measured by laboratory procedures for demonstrating the use of lab skills to answer questions; and long-term investigations to assess inquiry and decision-making skills, experimental design, communication and understanding of the scientific process.
SCCC Outcome 6 will be assessed and measured laboratory procedures for demonstrating the use of lab skills to answer questions; and long-term investigations to assess inquiry and decision-making skills, experimental design, communication and understanding of the scientific process.
SCCC Outcome 9 will be assessed and measured by laboratory procedures for demonstrating the use of lab skills; observation of how students interact and assist one another in lab; and long-term investigations to assess inquiry and decision-making skills, experimental design, communication and understanding of the scientific.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Seward County Community College will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If you need support or assistance because of a disability, you may be eligible for academic accommodations. Students should identify themselves to the Mental Health Counselor at 620-417-1106 or go to the Student Success Center in the Hobble Academic building, room A149.