Master Syllabus AR2563, Oil Painting II

Credits 3 Lab Hours 3 Lecture Hours 1 Clinical Hours 0
Course Description

A continuation of skill development with an emphasis on individual style and self-expression via technique and organizational development.

For each unit of credit, a minimum of three hours per week with one of the hours for class and two hours for studying/preparation outside of class is expected.

Program and/or Department Mission Statement

The mission of the Humanities and Social Sciences is to foster an appreciation of the role that the humanities and social sciences has played in the evolution of civilized society and to explore the ways that an understanding of theory and practice in philosophy, the social and behavioral sciences, the fine arts, and written and oral expression will enable students to participate thoughtfully in a global society.

SCCC Outcomes

Outcome #5: Demonstrate the ability to think critically by gathering facts, generating insights, analyzing data, and evaluating information.

Course Outcomes
  1. The student will demonstrate how the sensory, formal, technical and expressive properties of art can lead to a more independent self expression.
  2. The student will practice a variety of techniques in the use of the medium, making appropriate choices as needed.
  3. The student will utilize advanced color theory in a variety of painting problems and in analyzing and evaluating a painting.
  4. The student will identify safety risks and safe practices associated with oil painting.
Course Outline
  1. Safety - risks and safe practices for oil painting
  2. Student choice of still life
  3. Study of an artist/style
  4. Self portrait
  5. Landscape based on student's own sketches and photos, or done on location
  6. Abstract a living form
  7. Non-objective painting
  8. Choice of style and subject matter for the remainder of the semester will be up to the student.
  9. Trompe l'oeil
Instructional Methods
  1. Lecture
  2. Visual aids
  3. Demonstrations
  4. Group critiques
  5. Individual instruction and criticism
  6. Hand-outs
Instructional Resources and Materials
  1. Visual aids
  2. Various oil painting materials and tools
  3. Books and periodicals
  4. Hand-outs
Methods of Assessment

Outcome 5

  1. The student will be able to make appropriate choices by solving the problems presented by each painting.
  2. The student will participate in individual and group critiques in which paintings are analyzed or complete a written critique of an assigned work.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Seward County Community College will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If you need support or assistance because of a disability, you may be eligible for academic accommodations. Students should identify themselves to the Mental Health Counselor at 620-417-1106 or go to the Student Success Center in the Hobble Academic building, room A149.