Master Syllabus AG2962, Supervised Occupational Exp II

Credits 2 Lab Hours 0 Lecture Hours 2 Clinical Hours 0
Course Description

Before a student may enroll in occupational experiences the student must have completed one semester of college level courses. Students may earn a maximum of eight (8) credit hours. On-the-job training will be arranged in the agriculture area in which the student has a special interest. An outline of activities to be encountered will be set forth in accordance with the student's desires and the coordinator's counsel. A minimum of 136 clock hours is required for two hours credit. For each unit of credit, a minimum of three hours per week with one of the hours for class and two hours for studying/preparation outside of class is expected.

For each unit of credit, a minimum of three hours per week with one of the hours for class and two hours for studying/preparation outside of class is expected.

Program and/or Department Mission Statement

The agriculture program at SCCC provides opportunities to further each student’s knowledge of and skills in agricultural operations.

Academic Year
SCCC Outcomes

Outcome #4: Demonstrate mathematical skills by using a variety of techniques and technologies.

Outcome #5: Demonstrate the ability to think critically by gathering facts, generating insights, analyzing data, and evaluating information.

Outcome #6: Exhibit skills in information and technological literacy.

Outcome #7: Understand each other, moving beyond simple acceptance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity by working as a team to learn, engaging with community, exhibiting cultural awareness, and creating equity

Course Outcomes

Develop skills and methods necessary to practice in the profession.

Apply theory learned in the classroom setting to the field practice.

Become acquainted with the standards and ethics common to the profession

Further develop problem solving skills

Course Outline

Two hours credit is obtained by the student working with an area Agribusiness for a minimum of 136 clock hours.

This will be an average of 8.5 hours per week.

Outlines for each students areas of emphasis will be determined by the Ag Coordinator, the Employer, and the Student.

Each student will be expected to keep a daily log of the type of work performed each day and new concepts or ideas learned.

This log will be part of the Addendum for a final report which will be required.

The final report will have the following format:

This will be a summary of the daily log.

  1. Cover Sheet (should have student name, semester, SOE Course %23)
  2. Introduction outlining why this area was selected and what the student expected to learn.
  3. Summary of the Experience.
  4. Conclusions
  5. Addendum which will at a minimum contain, the daily log and time documentation such as pay stubs, or time cards.
Instructional Methods

On-the-job experience

Instructor visitation

Meetings with instructor

Project assignments


Instructional Resources and Materials

Will vary with each SOE.

Methods of Assessment

Methods of assessing the general course outcomes and the specific course competencies include, Supervisor evaluation forms that will be returned to the instructor, Instructor observation, and student feedback.

SCCC Outcomes

will be assessed by supervisor and student feedback as well as Instructor observation.

SCCC Policy

Academic Calendar
Academic Integrity
Technical Help

Technical support is available by contacting the SCCC IT Department at

Canvas Help:

View Computer Minimum Requirements

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Seward County Community College will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If you need support or assistance because of a disability, you may be eligible for academic accommodations. Students should identify themselves to the Mental Health Counselor at 620-417-1106 or go to the Student Success Center in the Hobble Academic building, room A149.