Incomplete Policy

Students may be given an “incomplete grade” (I) in a course if they are unable to complete the course work because of extenuating circumstances. The instructor of the course will have the discretion to decide whether the circumstances warrant an “I”. An Incomplete Grade Agreement must be completed by the instructor, signed by the student, the instructor, and the Registrar prior to issuance of an “I”.

The Incomplete Grade Agreement will be in effect a maximum of one subsequent semester (excluding summer session). On the Incomplete Grade Agreement, the instructor will designate the following:

  • The month, day, and year the Incomplete Grade Agreement expires.
  • The assignments / requirements to successfully complete the course.
  • The course grade to be recorded if the requirements are not met.
  • At the end of the specified time period, the “incomplete designation” (I) will be changed by the Registrar to either:
  • The course grade indicated by the instructor when the Incomplete Grade Agreement is signed or
  • The new grade, reported by the instructor to the Registrar, resulting from completion of the requirements specified on the Incomplete Grade Agreement.

It should be noted that when a student agrees to an “incomplete designation” (I) in a course, the student’s financial aid eligibility could be jeopardized. Copies of the Incomplete Grade Agreement will be distributed to the student and the instructor, and the original placed in the students file in the Registrar’s office.