

Course Descriptions

ED1103: Introduction to Education

Credits 3
This course provides an examination of the principles and purposes of the American education system. It is designed to acquaint students with teaching as a career. Students will need to enroll in ED1112 Introduction to Field Experience concurrently. EduKan course number: ED177

ED1112: Intro to Education Field Exp

Credits 2
This course is intended primarily to give prospective teachers the opportunity to consider seriously their suitability for a career in education. Must enroll in ED1103 Introduction to Education concurrently.

ED1203: Art in the Elementary School

Credits 3
Art in the Elementary School is a fundamental course designed to familiarize students with appropriate art media and techniques used in teaching children. The focus the course is that art is an integral part of the elementary curriculum, and that the study of art is composed of four areas: art production, aesthetics, art criticism, and art history.

ED1223: Educating Exceptional Students

Credits 3

This course is an overview of the field of special education geared to those who are preparing to work with children and youths with special needs. The course provides fundamental information on the identification and exceptionality, laws and legal cases affecting the delivery of services to individuals with exceptionalities, and the principles of effective educational approaches for each exceptionality. Categories of exceptionality presented include learning disabilities, behavior disorders, gifted and talented, communication disorders, autism, traumatic brain injury, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, other health impairments, and multiple and severe disabilities.

ED1233: Technology for Teachers

Credits 3

This course will introduce the research, pedagogy, and basic principles of educational technology. While introducing various types of technology that can be found in the school systems, the course will offer instructional strategies paired with apps and programs to instruct, engage, promote collaboration, embed creation, and assess students. The course will include foundations of how to teach digital citizenship and develop digital literacy skills. Students will be prepared to enter the school systems and identify how technology can enhance their classrooms.

ED1403: Elementary School Music

Credits 3
This course is for students planning to teach at the elementary level including practices, trends and philosophy of music education. Students are encouraged to integrate music within the classroom, enriching and solidifying all subject presentations.

ED1503: Children's Literature

Credits 3
Children's Literature is designed to acquaint students with the award winning literature, authors and illustrators of literature for kindergarten through 8th grade levels. It explores the psychology and educational theories used in elementary school education with special emphasis on reading programs. EduKan course number: ED277

ED1803: Beginning Sign Language

Credits 3
This course is designed to provide the student with basic skills in sign language. The student will become familiar with the history of signs, sign language principles, basic hand shapes, manual alphabet, and basic vocabulary. In addition, the student will gain a better understanding of the hearing impaired and an awareness of problems they face.

ED1813: Intermediate Sign Language

Credits 3

This course is designed to provide the student with additional skills in sign language. The student will become familiar with history of signs, reviewing manual alphabet, and advanced vocabulary.