

Course Descriptions

DR1103: Stagecraft I

Credits 3
A course which emphasizes in the basic principles of set construction, stage equipment, painting, lighting techniques and equipment.

DR1113: Stagecraft II

Credits 3

A course which emphasizes the basic principles of set construction, stage lighting and making properties and costumes for productions given by the drama department.

DR1203: Acting I

Credits 3
A basic course in the practical experiences of acting in both classroom and major productions. There is extensive work in characterization, fundamental techniques of acting, body language, and effective stage speech.

DR1213: Acting II

Credits 3
A course designed to expand the student's knowledge of the techniques and principles used in Acting I.

DR1503: Introduction to Cinema

Credits 3

This course surveys the motion pictures or cinema as an art form. It specifically covers film terminology, the demographics of and genres of motion pictures, and the influence of film on world culture. 

DR1611: Dramatic Participation I

Credits 1
Both semesters. A maximum of four hours credit may be earned. Dramatic participation provides the student an opportunity for individual study in the areas of theatrical arts. Individual projects are required.

DR1621: Dramatic Participation II

Credits 1
Both semesters. A maximum of four hours credit may be earned. Dramatic participation provides the student an opportunity for individual study in the areas of theatrical arts. Individual projects are required.

DR1631: Dramatic Participation III

Credits 1
Both semesters. A maximum of four hours credit may be earned. Dramatic participation provides the student an opportunity for individual study in the areas of theatrical arts. Individual projects are required.

DR1641: Dramatic Participation IV

Credits 1
Both semesters. A maximum of four hours credit may be earned. Dramatic participation provides the student an opportunity for individual study in the areas of theatrical arts. Individual projects are required.

DR2203: Theater Appreciation

Credits 3
This course is a basic Humanities course designed to introduce students to the realm of the live theatre. The principal components of the theatre will be examined in relation to their application to the performing arts. Selected plays will be discussed and analyzed from a theatrical and literary view.