Cost of Attendance

2024-2025 Financial Aid Cost of Attendance Budgets

(Estimates Based on Full-Time Enrollment)

Expenses included in this Cost of Attendance are outlined by federal law.  These are estimates of the total cost of attending SCCC for one year.  Cost of Attendance is used to determine each student’s eligibility for financial aid as you may not receive federal aid greater than your cost of attendance.  THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. 

Tuition and Fees:

          Seward County Resident



          In State $4,160
          Border State $4,928
          Out of State/International      $5,408

Books, Course Materials, Supplies

and Equipment:                              



Food and Housing:


            On Campus (SLC)                   

            Off Campus                            

            With Parents/Relatives          




Personal Expenses:                            $3,608



Loan Fees:                                          


Credential & Licensure Costs:         

Varies by program/course