AG1942: Crop Judging Sem IV

Credits 2 Lab Hours 2 Lecture Hours 0 Clinical Hours 0
Tiered Course Indicator
This course will be designed to advance the students? knowledge of crop production, cropping systems, Agronomy, soil science, pest management, plant identification, and Agriculture equipment identification. This course will provide the student to begin combining all basic knowledge learned in Crops Judging I, II, & III to summarize application of knowledge gained and application within Agriculture Industry and begin mastery of the subject matter. Application of knowledge gain is directly correlated with CCA (Certified Crop Advisor) standards and abilities. Knowledge gained will also be assessed NACTA (North American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture) Judging conference events. This course will be the initial stages of mastery within the subject matter of Crops Judging, Agriculture Production Standards, and Certified Crop Advisory Exam certification requirements.